National Fire Incident Reporting System (NFIRS) User Login
To access the U.S. Fire Administration’s (USFA) NFIRS 5.0 software and tools, you first need to register for an account. Your state’s NFIRS program manager will notify you when your account is active. If you registered for the National Fire Incident Reporting System (NFIRS) but were not notified that your account is active, contact your state’s NFIRS program manager.
Members of the NFIRS user community who use the Data Warehouse (DW) or need to obtain a Forms Based Incident Report (FBIR), the paper format of an incident, must login below to access those tools. Contact your state's NFIRS program manager to request the specific permissions to access these tools.
NFIRS State & Local Users and Vendor Login
FEMA PIV Card Single Sign-on
FEMA-issued PIV Card holders must employ
FEMA single sign-on to access NFIRS accounts associated with
enterprise IDs. If you hold a FEMA-issued PIV Card then do not
fill out the section to the left. Instead, please log into the
FEMA network using your card and then sign in using the button
Not yet registered? Register as a PIV User.
You are accessing a U.S. Government information system, which includes (1) this computer or device used to enable access to the government network, (2) this government network, (3) all computers or devices, virtual or otherwise, connected to this government network, and (4) all devices and storage media attached to this government network or to a computer or device on this government network. This information system is provided for U.S. Government-authorized use only. Unauthorized or improper use or access of this system may result in disciplinary action, as well as civil and criminal penalties.
By using this information system, you understand and consent to the following:
(1) You have no reasonable expectation of privacy when you use this information system. This includes any communications or data transiting, stored on, originated from, or directed to this information system.
(2) At any time, and for any lawful government purpose, the government may monitor, intercept, search and seize any communication or data transiting, stored on, originated from, or directed to or from this information system.
(3) The government may disclose or use any communications or data transiting, stored on, originated from, or directed to or from this information system for any lawful government purpose.
(4) You are NOT authorized to process classified information on this information system.